Facelift is a surgical method that helps to remove sagging and wrinkles due to aging by stretching and hanging them. However, in recent years, all interventions related to facial aging have begun to be referred to under the name of facial rejuvenation.
As a person ages, the facial skin sags, wrinkles, and various spots and irregularities occur on it due to the effects of years, sun rays, daily stresses and other factors (smoking, alcohol, malnutrition). An elderly percentage; There is an image with prominent forehead lines, drooping eyebrows, drooping eyelids, bags and lines under the eyes, deep lines in the mouth-nose area, sagging cheeks, chin contours lost, neck lubrication and skin curtains. The skin has lost its vitality, sunspots and other moles have appeared, thinned and wrinkled.
One of the Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery surgeries, face lift surgery is also called "face lift" or "rhytidectomy" with English idioms. With face lift-renewal surgeries, sagging and irregularities in the forehead, face and neck skin are eliminated; Excess fat tissue on the cheek and neck is removed, facial fascia and fat tissues are pulled and hung in their anatomical places, facial tissues are reinforced, eyelids are corrected and other complementary interventions can be performed (such as skin peeling, filling and botox).
